
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

And Baby Makes 20 - The Duggars Expecting AGAIN

So the Duggar family has announced that they are expecting baby number 20!
All I can say to that is "God Bless Them" and he has!  20 times!

There is a lot of negativity about the Duggars and there decision to let God give them all the children that they want.  Well my opinion, since this is my blog I get to give it, is good for them!

This is a well grounded family, that takes GREAT care of their children, and supports them by means of their own.  Yes, they made a TON of money doing a TV show and on Media tours and what not, but the long and the short of it is that I am not having to pay their way involuntarily.

They don't collect Public Aid or any other charity money to care for their kids.  They do it all on their own and if you ask me I think that is great!
So for all you haters out there who think that they Duggars need to stop having kids, this is what I have to say to you.  Worry more about the kid down the street whose parents would rather be out drinking all night and dump the kids off with Grandma and Grandpa then be real parents. If the Duggars bother you so much then turn off their show or don't buy their books, but don't judge them for following their hearts and growing the love in their family.

Congrats to you Michelle and Jim Bob.  Thoughts and Prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy!

I wish I had a third of your patience and dedication!


  1. What?! She's pregnant again? I am so out of the loop. I need to start drinking the Duggar water!

  2. I have to agree. What could be wrong with bringing kids into a strong loving family?? A big family is an incredible blessing!

  3. They're taking good care of all these children so kudos to them! I only think it's an issue when people keep having kids and can't provide for them at all.

  4. I wish I could handle that many kids. I love mine so much and it makes me sad that I can not have anymore.

  5. I agree. I happen to think 20 kids is too much, but that is for me...sometimes I think the 3 I have is too much LOL. But I think if they are supporting them and raising them right then good for them. I have a lady across the street who is on #7 and living on government child support. She sits on her porch all day on her iphone. Makes me insane.
